We try to collate all dementia research funding opportunities that open to UK researchers. To find funding that is right for you, use the filters to the side of this page. The listings include summary information, and links to the source page. If you are searching for a PhD or Fellowship post, our jobs section may also be of interest.
If you are based elsewhere in the world you will find more grant calls on the Alz Forum.
If you are a dementia research funder, you can add your call directly to our listings via our advertise page (note you will need to register an account to do this).
The Churchill Fellowship
Funding to spend up to two months discovering new ideas and best practice among leading practitioners anywhere in the world.
12/11/2024 | The Churchill Fellowship -
The Academy of Medical Sciences Networking Grants
The Academy of Medical Sciences awards to £25,000 to support collaborations between researchers in other countries and the UK, for travel and networking events.
23/10/2024 | The Academy of Medical Sciences -
Gap Fund for early stage development of new healthcare interventions
Funding to generate critical data that builds confidence in the development strategy for a new or repurposed medicine, medical device, diagnostic test, or other medical intervention.
13/11/2024 | Medical Research CouncilUK Research and Innovation -
Applied Global Health Research
Funding to support research projects that will lead to tangible change in health policy and practice in the near future through practical, focused research.
03/12/2024 | UK Research and Innovation -
NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream in various elements of Public Health.
13/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Alzheimer Scotland Student Research Programme
Alzheimer Scotland is pleased to announce the third round of the Student Research Programme. Funding to support two Masters-level research projects
07/10/2024 | Alzheimer Scotland -
Advancing Healthcare for Older Adults from Populations that Experience Health Disparities
NIA (US Only) funding call to deliver research Advancing Healthcare for Older Adults from Populations that Experience Health Disparities
05/01/2025 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
NIHR NICE Rolling Call (PHR Programme)
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to this funding opportunity. Closes 13:00 on 13 December 2024
13/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
NIHR NICE Rolling Call (EME Programme)
The NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to this funding opportunity.
10/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
NIHR EME Programme Researcher-led
The NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme are accepting Stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream. Closing date: 10th December
10/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
NIHR PHR Programme researcher-led
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme are accepting Stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream. Closing date: 13th December
13/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call (PHR Programme)
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting applications fund research identified by the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships
13/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call (EME Programme)
The NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme is accepting applications fund research identified by the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships
10/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
MND Scotland PhD Studentship
MND Scotland X LifeArc funded PhD studentship to increase research into improving MND diagnosis or identifying biomarkers for use in MND research or care.
31/10/2024 | LifeArcMND Scotland -
Medical Research Scotland x Daphne Jackson Fellowships
Medical Research Scotland sponsored Daphne Jackson Fellowships for those wishing to return to an area of medical research after a career break of 2 yrs or more
30/09/2024 | The Daphne Jackson Trust -
Improving Research Community Builder Award
Improving Research Community Builder to support Pre-PhDs, PhDs, and Postdocs to host events to improve research practices and culture at their Universities
10/09/2024 | Medical Research Council -
Dementia Healthcare Inequalities Initiative
£2m Alzheimer’s Society funding call aiming to provide people living with dementia a fairer deal throughout their dementia journeys – deadline extended
23/09/2024 | Alzheimer's Society -
NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award
NIHR DSE award is a postdoc funding for early to mid-career researchers to gain skills and experience to underpin the next phase of their research career.
22/11/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
IBRO and Dana Brain Awareness Week Grants
Grants to educate the public on the benefits of neuroscience research, to raise awareness about the wonders of the brain, and foster discussions on the intersection of neuroscience and society.
31/10/2024 | International Brain Research Organization -
NeurAL: Startup studio program
Seed funding program aims to identify and support neuroscience R&D projects, to help bring them to fruition and promote innovative entrepreneurship
15/09/2024 | Paris Brain Institute -
Encouraging and Supporting Grassroots Activity Fund
Funding for for smaller, grassroots organisations looking to provide community-led support for people affected by dementia in Scotland.
13/09/2024 | Age ScotlandAge UK -
Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers
Applications for the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers – to establish centers of excellence in geriatrics research and research education
11/10/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Deciphering RNA Modifications on Brain Aging and AD
Funding to catalyze research to understand the molecular landscape and functional implications of RNA modifications in brain aging, Alzheimer’s and dementias
01/11/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Early- and Late-Stage Clinical Trials
NIA funding to develop and implement early- to late-stage clinical trials of promising pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions
17/10/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials Consortium Clinical Trials
Utilizing the Alzheimer’s disease Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC), this funding is to enable clinical testing (Phases Ib-III) of promising pharmacological and/or non-pharmacological interventions
17/10/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Wellcome Discovery Awards
This scheme provides funding for researchers to pursue research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding related to human life, health and wellbeing
03/12/2024 | Wellcome Trust -
Wellcome Career Development Awards
Wellcome Trust funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders
26/11/2024 | Wellcome Trust -
Improving the post-operative care of rodents
Funding to develop an easy-to-use and affordable shelter that provides warmth and a means to monitor the animals, which can use be used in any cage type to improve post-operative recovery and monitoring of rodents.
30/11/2024 | National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research -
Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme – NICE Rolling Call
The NIHR UK programme is interested in receiving applications to meet recommendations in research identified in NICE guidance that has been published or updated during the last 5 years.
21/11/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Health and Social Care Delivery Research Researcher-led call
The NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme is accepting funding applications to impact the quality, accessibility and organisation of health and social care services
21/11/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Ambitious data-enabled “e-trials”
NIHR funding for researchers to embed a study within a trial or a review, to evaluate alternative ways of undertaking a trial or a review process
27/11/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
The Treat FTD Fund
Early-stage clinical trials supported through the Treat FTD Fund will build on our growing understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying FTD
30/09/2024 | The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration -
Programme Development Grants
NIHR Programme Development Grants are available for researchers in the UK to undertake preparatory work to develop a future programme of research.
18/09/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Alzheimer’s Research UK Major Projects
Alzheimer’s Research UK major projects funding scheme focussed on funding research to explore treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of dementia. Closes 12 Sept
12/09/2024 | Alzheimer's Research UK -
ISTAART Grant Program for Conferences and Convenings
The ISTAART Grant Program for Conferences and Convenings to help foster and facilitate PIAs-driven efforts to expand and accelerate research discussion.
09/04/2025 | Alzheimer's Association (US) -
2024 Part the Cloud Translational Gene Targeting Challenge
Part the Cloud, a program through the Alzheimer’s Association, announces a targeted challenge funding program focused on increasing early phase human trials
24/10/2024 | Alzheimer's Association (US) -
Dementia Innovators Programme
A new programme from NHS CEP and Alzheimer’s Society aimed at dementia innovations – improving healthcare. Programme Opens 1st October 2024
30/11/2024 | Alzheimer's Society -
The Churchill Fellowship – Lifelong Health
A Churchill Fellowship is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead the change you want to see – a new funding scheme, the Lifelong Health Fellowship.
12/11/2024 | The Churchill Fellowship -
NIHR Global Health Research – Researcher-led
Global NIHR Researcher-led funds research that aims to improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable people in low and middle income countries (LMICs).
06/11/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2024
Funding to purchase multi-user equipment: at departmental, interdepartmental or regional scale, mainly enabling research – from £10,000 to £400,000 per item
19/09/2024 | UK Research and Innovation -
Healthcare Technology Translation Partnership Scheme
Funding to accelerate progress of basic and fundamental engineering and physical sciences research towards application in healthcare. Closes: 27th November
27/11/2024 | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council -
NIHR Research for Patient Benefit
Programme to fund quantitative and qualitative research with a clear trajectory to patient benefit. Particularly for those with strong PPI interaction.
06/11/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Race Against Dementia Ignition Fund
RAD Ignition Fund providing up to £100k for equipment, people or research costs. Supporting work on prevention, diagnosis, understanding the diease & treatments
16/09/2024 | Race Against Dementia -
Rosetrees Seedcorn Awards
Funding to generate preliminary data to advance innovative and novel ideas with the potential to transform the prevention, diagnosis &/or treatment of diseases
09/09/2024 | Rosetrees Trust -
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Arts and Humanities Research Council standard research grant funding to support well-defined collaborative projects, in areas covered by our remit.
24/09/2024 | Arts and Humanities Research Council -
University Research Fellowship (URF) Programme
Royal Society Fellowship funding to support the next generation of research leaders to undertake cutting-edge research. Closes 10th September 2024.
10/09/2024 | The Royal Society -
Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST)
NIHR funding call to provide robust insights into PHIRST scheme processes and the difference it is making. Closing date 13th December.
13/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Technology-Enabled Social Care Highlight Notice
NIHR Research Programme for Social Care invites proposals for collaborative research projects that examine the development and utilisation of technology in social care
30/10/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Clincial Research Fellowships
ARUK Clinical Fellowships for clinically qualified applicants wishing to develop or further a career that combines dementia research and professional practice.
17/09/2024 | Alzheimer's Research UK -
New Investigator Operating Grant (Canada)
Research Funding designed to help launch the careers of outstanding researchers who are within the first 6 years of their initial academic appointment.
04/11/2024 | Alzheimer Society (Canada) -
Postdoctoral Award (Canada)
Research Funding for graduates with a PhD or MD who wish to gain additional research experience within an established research environment.
04/11/2024 | Alzheimer Society (Canada) -
Doctoral Award (Canada)
For promising researchers, pursuing a PhD, to begin the process of becoming future independent investigators in the field of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
04/11/2024 | Alzheimer Society (Canada) -
Industry Fellowships
The Industry Fellowship strive to promote the value and importance of science by connecting academia, industry and government – Opens on the 1st August
26/09/2024 | The Royal Society -
NC3Rs Partnership and Impact awards
NC3Rs Partnership and Impact (P&I) awards are designed to accelerate the adoption of existing 3Rs models, tools and technologies into routine practice.
19/09/2024 | NC3Rs -
Access and Manipulation of Brain Cell Subtypes Implicated in Aging and AD/ADRD
Access and Manipulation of Brain Cell Subtypes Implicated in Aging and AD/ADRD (OPEN WORLDWIDE) – Closing date 8th October 2024
07/10/2025 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Safety and Efficacy of Amyloid-Beta Directed Antibody Therapy in MCI, LB and Amyloid-Beta Pathology
NIH Funding – Safety and Efficacy of Amyloid-Beta Directed Antibody Therapy in MCI, LBD and Amyloid-Beta Pathology (US ONLY)
24/01/2025 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Functional Target Validation for Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias
NIH Funding – Functional Target Validation for Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias (US ONLY) – Deadline October 04, 2024
08/11/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Mechanistic Investigations into ADRD Associated Protein Structures
NIH Funding – Mechanistic Investigations into ADRD Associated Protein Structures in Biological Settings (US ONLY) – Deadline October 04, 2024
04/10/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Social, Ethical, Behavioral Implications and Barriers to Health Equity in ADRD
NIH Funding – Clinical Trial Readiness to Understand and Develop Solutions to Social, Ethical, Behavioral Implications and Barriers to Health Equity in ADRD
04/10/2024 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA -
Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme
The Associate Principal Investigator Scheme aims to develop health and care professionals to become the Principal Investigators (PIs) of the future.
30/09/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Wellcome Early-Career Awards
Wellcome Trust Funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity.
01/10/2024 | Wellcome Trust -
Improve end of life experience for people with dementia
Alzheimer’s Society and Marie Curie £1m funding for new, impact-focused research to improve the end-of-life experience for people with dementia and carers.
28/10/2024 | Alzheimer's SocietyMarie Curie -
Partnership and Impact awards
NC3Rs Partnership and Impact (P&I) awards are designed to accelerate the adoption of existing 3Rs models, tools and technologies into routine practice.
19/09/2024 | NC3Rs -
Atlantic Fellowship for Equity in Brain Health
The 2024 Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health Fellowship Programme is open to applications – your chance to become a future leader in brain health.
20/09/2024 | Global Brain Health Institute -
Ernest Rutherford Fellowship 2024
UK STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship (ERF) to work on an independent research project. Projects must be within the remit of STFC’s core science programme.
01/10/2024 | Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) -
Career development award
Apply for UK Medical Research Council support to become an independent researcher in a medical research field. For postdocs covering full salary costs.
11/09/2024 | Medical Research Council -
Postdoctoral Fellowships
European & Global Postdoctoral Fellowships from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research.
11/09/2024 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions -
BBSRC New investigator award (responsive mode)
This scheme supports excellent new investigator-led research across the breadth of Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) scientific remit
25/09/2024 | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council -
Small Student Grants
Micro grants from the Biochemical Society of between £50-£100 are available to support career enhancing opportunities for students. (undergrads and postgrads)
31/12/2024 | Biochemical Society -
UK Biobank access fee and computing costs
If you are an early career or international researcher then you may be able to have your access fee and computing costs covered by one of UK Biobank’s funds.
31/12/2024 | UK Biobank -
Research, Development & Analysis Fund
Grants are awarded to projects that inform the design and operation of social policy and practice across our three core areas of Education, Welfare and Justice.
16/09/2024 | Nuffield Foundation -
Technologies to enable independence for people with dementia
Funding to develop a Network Plus for development & use of novel tools & tech to enable people to live independently with dementia, including their carers.
10/09/2024 | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council -
Application Development Award for Health & Care Professionals
Seeking 10 Application Development Awards to carry out development work prior to research applications, with a requirement for applicant teams to involve Health and Care Professionals.
26/09/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
Research Fellowships
The Academy offers Research Fellowships each year to outstanding early-career researchers to support them to become future research leaders in engineering.
18/09/2024 | Royal Academy of Engineering -
Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme
The RFS offers researchers funding to conduct rapid baseline data collection, as well as other feasibility work, prior to intervention implementation.
27/12/2024 | National Institute for Health and Care Research -
New Global Real-World Data Platforms Program
To support the advancement of & opportunities for Real World Data platforms, Alzheimer’s Association has a new funding scheme to accelerate global initiatives.
31/12/2024 | Alzheimer's Association (US)
Dementia Research Funders Forum
The Dementia Research Funders Forum (DRFF) is a meeting of UK charity and public sector funders of dementia research. The purpose of the DRFF is to exchange information and coordinate activity in order to help shape the dementia funding environment at the national level. From time to time the DRFF provides reports to the Department of Health Programme Board on Dementia, which is responsible for delivering the Government’s Challenge on Dementia to 2020.
Membership of the DRFF comprises representatives from: Alzheimer’s Research UK (Chair), Alzheimer’s Society, AHRC, Department of Health, EPSRC, ESRC, MND Association, MRC, NIHR, Parkinson’s UK, STFC, Stroke Association, Wellcome Trust.
For further information or for funders who wish to join the group please contact research@alzheimersresearchuk.org