The grants aim to foster international collaboration between emerging and/or established research groups
Our primary objective is to facilitate collaboration, whether between two emerging research groups or a combination of one emerging and one established research group.
These grants aim to support various aspects of collaboration, including travel, accommodation, subsistence, and research expenses between the partnering groups.
These awards are specifically designed to support direct collaboration costs and do not cover any indirect or overhead expenses.
Who Can Apply?
- The lead-applicant:
- must be residing in one of the Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, or Pan-Europe regions.
- must have been a principal investigator for seven years or less and come from an emerging laboratory*.
- Any extended breaks from research (e.g. maternity, paternity or adoption leave) are accepted and should be justified in the application.
- The co-applicant:
- may be residing anywhere in the world.
- must be a principal investigator and may come from either an emerging* or an established laboratory.
*The term “emerging laboratories” refers to laboratories established within the last 7 years and led by an early-career researcher.
Grant Specifications
- The collaborations must begin in 2025.
- The collaboration must include bi-directional travel of principal investigators, postdocs and/or students that plan to work on the scientific collaboration defined in the project application.
- The collaboration must be completed within two years from the collaboration start date.
- The required funding report should be submitted one year from the collaboration start date. More information on the grant report will follow after the grantee selection.
Funds will transferred according to an 80:20 format, meaning 80% of the grant will be awarded two months prior to the start date of the collaboration, and the remaining 20% upon completion and submission of the associated grant report.
Regional Eligability Requirements
- Collaborations within the same IBRO region are open only to scientists from Latin America region.
- Collaborations between two different IBRO regions are open to scientists from the regions of Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin-America, and Pan-Europe.
- Collaborations between a lead-applicant residing in one of the eligible IBRO regions ((i.e., Asia, Africa, Latin-America or Europe) and a collabortor residing in the US or Canada are permitted. However, the application should be submitted by the lead-applicant.
How to Apply?
How to Apply?
- Create an applicant account.
- Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for any inquiries.
- For technical issues with the site, submit a customer support request form.
Please submit your application using the link which appears in the “key information” box at the top of the page, accessible during the application period.
Please note you will be redirected to the IBRO Grants Portal
For any queries, please contact the IBRO programs team here.
Visit funding web page