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Why I think junior researchers really benefit from datathon events

Dr Sarah Bauermeister Profile PictureDr Sarah Bauermeister is getting ready to lead (at least) two more DPUK datathons before the year is up. She’s been known to get up at 4.45am because she’s so enthusiastic about her work, and is totally passionate about developing younger scientists in the dementia research field. We asked her why datathons are such a great opportunity for them.

“In my experience working with junior researchers, I notice that many simply haven’t had the opportunities to work with big and complex datasets. This might because they’re working in small research departments, or they only work with a single health study cohort collected at their institution. This is totally understandable but will become an increasingly outdated way of working. When I originally developed the concept of the DPUK datathons, I had junior scientists – each with stacks of potential and ideas – in mind.

In what is our flagship datathon at Swansea University, analysts and data scientists will be exploring key dementia research themes with a treasure trove of free tools. We guide them with research questions and provide the data to work with. Fundamentally, it’s about collaboration and support – exactly what junior researchers need.

You can read the rest of this blog on the UKDP website at: https://www.dementiasplatform.uk/blog/why-i-think-junior-researchers-really-benefit-from-datathon-events [1]