Professor Martin Rossor
Professor Martin Rossor
Job title:
Professor of Neurology
Place of work / study:
University College London
Area of Research:
How is your work funded:
Health Foundation, University College London
Tell us a little about yourself:
I was born in London and went to Watford Grammar School where I was torn between studying to become a vet or a medic and opted for the latter. I graduated from Jesus College Cambridge and Kings College Hospital Medical School London and trained as a neurologist at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. I have been involved in research on familial dementias for more than 20 years having been part of the original MRC project that identified the APP gene mutation as the first cause of familial Alzheimer’s disease. From 2012, following the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia, I was appointed the NIHR National Director for Dementia Research. I am married to Eve, a Paediatrician and we have two sons and one daughter (two doctors and a vet) and five grandchildren. We spend our spare time in Suffolk or the Cairngorms where we enjoy horse riding, sailing, stomping up steep hills, spending time with our grandchildren and relaxing with a glass of wine.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I have a palindromic surname (read the same forwards and backwards)
Why did you choose to work in dementia?
My clinical and research interests have been in cognition and the dementias, not a mainstream interest in neurology at that time, although now a focus of political attention.
Do you need any volunteers for testing
If you’re based in the UK, take a look at https://www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk – it’s a great platform that is run by the NIHR to find research study volunteers.