Dr David Griffiths
Dr David Griffiths
Job title:
Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods
Place of work / study:
Area of Research:
Social network analysis, social stratification, social capital
Tell us a little about yourself:
I’ve worked at University of Stirling since 2008, having completed my PhD in Sociology at University of Manchester. I’ve been using social network analysis since 2005 and am really passionate about it. I’ve previously worked in the voluntary sector and regard moving to Scotland as one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The only thing I miss about England is being able to regularly attend Tranmere Rovers matches.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I once beat Nigel Mansell in a race at Silverstone. Admittedly it was a half marathon rather than motor racing, but it still counts.
What single piece of advice would you give to an early career researcher?
You don’t have to fit an entire career’s work into the next couple of years. It’s ok to have great ideas that you don’t follow up until you have time to do it justice. You’ve got a long time to achieve everything you want to, so don’t put yourself under pressure to investigate everything you plausible could.