
Help shape the National Centre for Research Methods new training portal

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The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) has announced that it will be continuing into a new phase from January 2020 with an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) award for 5 years. 

In the new phase of the Centre they will focus on delivering a comprehensive programme of cutting-edge research methods training across the UK. Building on their current successful training programme, delivering innovation-driven face-to-face, online and blended learning which will be embedded into a new online training portal. They aim to provide a mixture of standalone instant access materials (such as e-books, videos, interactive slide decks) as well as whole modules based within a VLE. They will not be undertaking new methodological research as part of this award, though there will be some pedagogic research and the resources linked to a previous research programme will still be available the website.

They aim to advance methodological understanding and practice across all sectors, disciplines and career stages and provide a vehicle for capturing methodological developments from the wider research community, within the social sciences and beyond. In order to achieve this, they are engaging with stakeholders and audiences – this means YOU!

NCRM will be delivered by a partnership of three internationally leading centres of methodological excellence: The Universities of Southampton, Manchester and Edinburgh. This partnership will be significantly enhanced and expanded to include strategically selected Centre partner institutions who will deliver training locally to ensure geographical and subject expertise diversity. The nine institutions are UCL, NatCen, WISERD, Bristol, Exeter, Essex, Leeds, Liverpool and Glasgow.

They will be working to transition the website of the National Centre of Research Methods to reflect the Centre’s new focus by summer 2020. They would like to include you in the transition.

Please help shape the new portal by filling in a short user survey. Anonymous, 8 questions, only 10 mins required. 

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