Blog – From Nursing to Dementia Research
Dr Emily Oliver discusses her career from Nursing the Clinical Academic and back to Nursing, be inspired to consider your future in dementia research.
Dr Emily Oliver discusses her career from Nursing the Clinical Academic and back to Nursing, be inspired to consider your future in dementia research.
Sometimes your research is decided for you, and sometimes you get to choose for yourself, but how do you decide and what might influence that? Dr Emily Oliver explores the topic, and has some advice for the undecided.
Dr Emily Oliver, discusses her goals for 2021, with advise on how you can also make your own goals SMART.
Dr Emily Oliver. looks back on what she has been doing since completing her Clinical Academic Doctoral Programme 12 months ago, and what opportunities exist after you finish.
Dr Emily Oliver shares her first experience as a member of an ethics panel, with top tips and advice from the other side of the process.
Dr Emily Oliver. completed her clinical doctorate in dementia, and is now a Consultant Admiral Nurse. Emily will be blogging for us every month, sharing updates about dementia and dementia care, whilst providing snippets into her own personal and professional life.
Dr Emily Oliver explores the advantages and disadvantages of being an insider researcher, exploring issues of being inside looking out or outside looking in.
Guest blog from Dr Emily Oliver who recently completed her NIHR Clinical Academic Doctorate at the University of Southampton. Discussing her thoughts on how handle completion and what comes next.