
Profile – Luke Whiley

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Luke Whiley

Job title:

Lecturer in Phenomics – Healthy Aging and Dementia

Place of work / study:

Murdoch University, Perth, Australia

Area of Research:

Molecular phenotyping of ageing and dementia

How is your work funded:

Australian National Phenome Centre funding

Tell us a little about yourself:

I’m a researcher based in Perth, Australia looking into our metabolic interactions that increase the chance of an individual developing dementia as they age. I specialise in analytical chemistry, in particular mass spectrometry. Outside of research I’m a keen cricket fan and  am often found playing and watching the game in my spare time.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

Ran the 2019 London marathon for the Dementia Revolution!

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

I began to develop an expertise in analytical chemistry during my undergraduate industrial placement, and loved the application of the powerful technologies to solve biological problems and discover biomarkers. Once I’d finished my undergraduate I sought a PhD where I could apply this interest to discovering biomarkers of dementia – an area that I knew needed urgent breakthroughs, due to witnessing the disease in my grandfather.

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Comments 1

  1. One small grant can kick-start a big career - Imperial Medicine Blog

    […] Dr Luke Whiley is a Lecturer in Phenomics at The Australian National Phenome Centre, Murdoch University, Australia. Luke is also an Honorary Research Associate at UK Dementia Research Institute at Imperial. […]

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