
Call for Data Study Group challenges

From the UK Dementia Research Institute

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In September 2021, Turing Data Study Groups, in conjunction with the UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) and the Deep Dementia Phenotyping Network (DEMON) will host a themed Data Study Group event. The event seeks to draw on a range of expertise across disciplines to better understand dementia-causing disorders and champion new diagnosis approaches, treatment, provision and prevention.

Data Study Groups are ‘collaborative hackathons’ hosted at the Turing, bringing together organisations from academia, industry, government, or the third sector, with multi-disciplinary researchers. Groups brainstorm avenues of exploration, run experiments on the data and document their activities.

We are looking for six dementia related projects to feature in this thematic Data Study Group*. Projects must have a dementia focus and can investigate any area, be it in detection, prevention or treatment. This is an ideal opportunity to generate exploration avenues, testing a proof of concept, kick starting a larger project and knowledge transfer. Data Study Group challenge owners can expect:

  • A team of doctoral students, early career researchers, and postdocs from across a broad range of disciplines, whose quick, agile thinking will help tackle the challenge.
  • A report published on the Turing website detailing approaches explored and possible further avenues to investigate.
  • Full support of The Alan Turing Institute to help prepare and shape the challenge.

*If your organisation has a data science or artificial intelligence challenge that you would like to put forward for this process but the challenge does not relate to dementia, please enquire via our challenge owner webpage as we have a number of events throughout the year which are not tied to a theme.

The full information can be found on The Alan Turing Institute website.

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The UK DRI breaks new ground by bringing together world-leading expertise in biomedical, care and translational dementia research in a national institute currently made up of over 600 researchers and a support team of over 50, all growing rapidly.

The institute carries out research relevant to all dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia, Huntington’s disease and beyond.

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