Over the past two and a half years we’ve had over 200 researchers from all stages of their careers, and from a variety of fields, join us to share their research and careers advice, through podcasts, blogs and webinars. We trawled through our back-catalogue to put together the ‘Essentials PhD Playlist’ – a selection of our favourite career focused podcasts, that should help anyone who is about to embark on an MSc or PhD, or who is at the early stage of their journey. You can view and listen to the playlist below, or find it in the SoundCloud app for offline listening.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
If you enjoyed this playlist, please leave us a review, and if you would like to share some tips of your own, let us know, we are always looking for new bloggers and contributors – email us at dementiaresearcher@ucl.ac.uk