
Profile – Dr Chris Hardy, University College London

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr Chris Hardy


Dr Chris Hardy

Job Title:

Senior Research Fellow

Place of work / study:

University College London

Area of Research:

Clinical neuroscience of dementias

Tell us a little about yourself:

I finished my PhD at University College London in 2017, working with Professors Jason Warren and Seb Crutch. My current research is funded by a Pauline Ashley Fellowship, funded jointly by Action on Hearing Loss and the Dunhill Medical Trust, and I am investigating symptoms of hearing loss in people with Alzheimer’s disease and the primary progressive aphasias: a set of rarer ‘language-led’ dementias. I also have a part-time role as Education Officer for Rare Dementia Support ( Outside of work, I love sports of all kinds – and find that I’m often at my most inventive with research when I’m running!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

In September 2016, I completed an Ironman triathlon to raise money for Rare Dementia Support. It took me over 13 hours, comprising a 3.8km swim, followed by a 180km cycle, and then a full marathon. It was a hideous experience and I will never do another one, but I did raise over £3,000 in sponsorship.

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

My family has been affected by dementia, as is the case for so many people now. That experience – watching the person you know and love slipping away in front of your eyes – has definitely motivated me to want to make a difference. More broadly, I think this is the single-most important health issue of our time, and the thing that drives me to work hard is the tantalising thought that my research could help other people in the future.

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Comments 2

  1. What Is The Difference Between Aphasia And Dementia – Dementia Talk Club

    […] be causing these problems, but this is only the case for a small minority of people with PPA, says Chris Hardy, PhD, a senior research fellow at the Dementia Research Centre at the University College London Queen […]

  2. What Is The Difference Between Aphasia And Dementia – Aaron Easton's Blog

    […] be causing these problems, but this is only the case for a small minority of people with PPA, says Chris Hardy, PhD, a senior research fellow at the Dementia Research Centre at the University College London Queen […]


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