
Profile – Dr Lucy Russell

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Dr Lucy Russell


Dr Lucy Russell

Job title:

Postdoctoral research fellow

Place of work / study:

The dementia research centre, University College London

Area of Research:

Frontotemporal dementia

How is your work funded?

A charity called The Bluefield Project

Tell us a little about yourself:

I have a background in psychology and I have been working at the dementia research centre for 6 years now on a number of FTD related projects. My main research interests are social cognition and EF in FTD with a particular focus on eye tracking assessments. I am also the coordinator of the frontotemporal prevention initiative (the FPI) which aims to bring together FTD researchers, pharmaceutical companies and charities across the world together to promote clinical trials for FTD.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

I love to play netball and ski/snowboard. I also have two dogs, a hungarian vizsla called Poppy who is 3 and a 10 week old puppy called Purdy who is a german short haired pointer. We live by the sea and by Exmoor so we are always off on fun adventures exploring the wonderful countryside – it’s been so lovely to get outside during his very difficult year!

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

Two of my grandparents suffered from dementia later in their lives and it was devastating to see what they were going through. So I wanted to try and help others going through it and hopefully, one day, we may find a cure for the these terrible diseases.

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