
Profile – Dr Ana Barbosa

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dr Ana Barbosa

Job Title:

Dementia care consultant and trainer

Place of work / study:

Centre for Applied Dementia Studies, University of Bradford

Area of research:

Formal caregivers’ wellbeing

How is your work funded:

University of Bradford

Tell us a little about yourself:

I have a degree in Gerontology and completed my PhD in Portugal in 2016. My project aimed to develop an intervention aiming to provide care assistants with information on dementia and strategies to manage stress. One of my supervisors was a Professor in UK, which coupled with a drive to learn and challenge myself at both professional and personal levels, made me apply for my current job at the University of Bradford. On my free time I’m a clumsy runner, amateur photographer and vinyl records collector!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

I like learning new languages. The reasons for learning aren’t exactly extraordinary and boil down to travel and pure interest. So far I can speak four different languages (but a bit rusty here and there!).

Why did you choose to work in dementia?

During my MSc I spent a large amount of time studying and interviewing family carers. This has increased the interest in learning more about those who care for people with dementia. I got my first job in dementia research in 2009. This was a small but pioneering project in Portuguese care homes that ended up being further explored on my PhD.


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