
In the BioDivA Lab, we publish collaboratively, and authorship order depends on the level of contribution to a project. Senior authorship is assigned to the person who originated the project idea or served as principal mentor, which is not necessarily me. For example, we have published two collaborative papers this year1,2, and have three other papers accepted for publication, with at least two BioDivers involved in each case.

One of our projects involves two undergraduate students, a master’s student, two PhD students, a postdoctoral researcher and myself. This project began with discussions about academic interests among undergraduates, in which they were encouraged to formulate scientific questions. Recognizing thematic proximity among their proposed topics, and aligning these with the background research of other BioDivers, we proposed the collaborative project during a lab meeting, and those interested joined the project. Three manuscripts are being developed from this project, two led by undergraduate students and one by a master’s student. Although I am the last author of two of these manuscripts, the postdoc is the last author of the third manuscript.

We rely on project-management tools such as Slack and Trello to share progress on each project, and on online workspaces such as Whimsical and Canva to create mind maps for thinking and collaboration. Google Docs and Drive are used to share manuscripts in development, allowing for better co-writing and revising with authors who are spread across various locations. We have established guidelines for the responsible use of these shared documents, so that collaborators can contribute in suggestion mode but only the project leader can make final edits. This approach ensures a well-organized and productive publication process.

In summary, the BioDivA Lab represents a dynamic and inclusive scientific collaboration and mentorship model in a virtual environment. By addressing the practicalities described above, we ensure our virtual lab’s smooth functioning and success, fostering a dynamic environment.